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JL Mealer Arizona — The Truth of His Abuse Must Be Revealed- His Abuse of an Advocate & Frauds

June 10, 2014

It is with sadness that I find myself having to write this blog. However I spent far too many years as a victim of Abuse in Life and now as a Survivor and a Recognized Advocate, I won’t allow anybody to Abuse me or others and not do something about it. Mr J L Mealer is running for the Position as Governor in Arizona, and loves to tell all that he has Clean Hands. Well the truth is that he has anything but clean hands, and I am going to let you in on some of his Abuse & Scams that he has done to me Directly, all others can themselves post their details and their situations as comments. But I can only speak here on my own behalf. As a Single Mom and an Advocate that works tirelessly to help victims of abuse within the USA, I took his word as been honest and true, but in turn I ended up loosing all my savings, as I had to use them to survive when he kept DELAYING & DELAYING the application below. As my lease was up on the property I lived in, he told me to rent somewhere for a month or two in January. Well I told him that to do that I would have to relocate to the other side of Ireland as I couldn’t afford to live where I was, and that i didn’t want to have to use my savings for our new life in the USA, He told me that it would be for a Month Maximum and now Five Months on I am still here, and he has scammed me from the start.


In January 2014 Mr Mealer sent me a Offer of Employment a Work Contract that was signed by him and also myself. Although I had been working to help his campaign with Anti Trafficking prior to that, as and from that date I became an Employee of Mealer Initative. Although I was dealing with the Trafficking issues and Abuse and was the Only Person to do anything on these issues that he was including in his campaign for Governor, I never once up until today’s date from January 20th 2014 got paid one cent from him. Now he states that I was a volunteer and that the agreement only came into play when I was in the USA, But he clearly stated my commencement of Employment from January 20th that is what I did, and now when I ask for the Payments I am told where to go and apparently that he is broke and has no money to pay for fuel let alone me. His Facebook Page Mealer Anti Trafficking was Run Daily by me, I was the Sole Contributor to the Page, and My Contacts in this area of abuse where passed onto Mr Mealer. His wife recently told me that I had done nothing of Value for Mr Mealer and had nothing to do with his campaign for Governor. The funny thing is that although I didn’t deal with the Political end of things, on the Mealer Initative Page, His Linkedin Page & Mealer Anti Trafficking he himself has them all directly linked. So when he is running for Governor and stating that he will do certain programs when and IF he got voted in, then he would be enforcing these programs, that itself links them all together Mr & Mrs Mealer 


He asked me to send him over the money for the fee to cover his Photo Copying Fees and also the Fee for the Application to file a petition with the relevant Department for my work permit. I sent him over USD $ 450 and this he insisted was sent to his Mealer Initiative  Account, I had no issue with this and at the time didn’t know that his asking me to send this money was in fact ILLEGAL and something that he as my future employer was liable for. I recently on numerous Occasions have asked for this to be returned to me as since January it has been one excuse after the other and the petition was never filed. He has told me that he doesn’t have my money and that he has no money. So he therefor Obtained Funds By Deception and used them for his personal use and not what they were transferred for. Today he told me and I have copied all messages and documents and this is a Direct Quote From JL Mealer “I do not have money to pay for fuel let alone to refund any fees right now. This sounds like some freaky Orwellian conspiracy between the ex volunteers who demanded I violate the law and some Al Quida group! Did I walk into the Twilight Zone?” All that I had asked for was that he Refund the Fees Sent to Him for the Petition He Never Filed, But He Spent the Money on Personal Use or Campaign, that is illegal. Now he states that the Documentation for my work is not sufficient. I will let you all make your own minds up on that with my details below.


I recently found out that he was on the Board of Directors for Butterfly Dreams and had asked him as to why he had never actually told me about this. His reply to me and again this is a DIRECT QUOTE FROM HIS MESSAGES TO ME ” I have no idea why this Butterfly Dreams added me as any type of chairperson (or whatever they did) that came from Judge Bullocks friends as far as I know ” YET on his Linkedin Page he clearly states that he is on the Board of Directors of Butterfly Dreams since September 2013 , Why Lie about this ?. Or perhaps this is just another scam by Mr Mealer to get votes as he is desperate to become the Governor of Arizona. 


I was always let know either in Messages or Emails that Nobody messes with JL Mealer and Nobody will stop him getting to be Governor of Arizona. Well who wants a Governor that states the following in a written email, which can be verified and validated by relevant authorities if required. This was sent to me in relation to a volunteer that he said was trying to ruin his campaign “This is the big shakedown. Besides, he knows me enough that if I am ever cheated, I have backhoe, pre dug pits and bags of lime waiting for those who cheat me or cheat on me.” So I guess I know what will be waiting for me now with Mr Mealer and as to the level he will stoop to.

The USA has enough Political Problems as it is, there is far too much Corruption and Abuse, Yet here we have a Man that states he has clean hands, is there for the people, is not going to allow the abuse of anybody yet he abuses all that are involved with him. Other people that have been involved in his campaign have apparently also lost money, yet they were made out to be the Villian’s when they are the victims and he sure as hell is not the Saint. He is the one that has had persons in his campaign and connected to him awaiting Indictment for Murder and other serious offences. Is this who you want to be the Next Governor of Arizona,

Arizona You Have To Know the Truth. This Man is A Liar, An Abuser, and if you cross him then you go into a pit of lime. Now he states Today that I don’t have the Documentation Required to work in this field. So here are my Certifications along with many available Endorsements, Character References, Never Ever Having a Police Record, Not Involved in Drugs or Crime and Working Every Hour of Every Day with  Victims of Abuse Through My Own Pages and Org Voluntarily. My Reputation speaks for itself,Unlike Mr Mealers

I won’t be involved with a person like this, and despite his treatment of me and the non payment and use of my money for his own needs, I felt that I had to warn all as if I didn’t let you know what he is truly like, and he gets the power that he wishes then God Help Arizona and I would personally feel liable for any and all problems that is been Governor would cause. I won’t enable the abuse of anybody Mr Mealer and I am done been a Victim in life a long time ago. I have huge Respect for the American People and will continue to work with them and all victims of abuse. I will just go back now to looking for a Real Position of Employment in this field as he is just one man and not a True Representation of the American People. 

Lurleen Hilliard

Nolonger Victims FB- Linkedin-Twitter

Ambassador of Hope – Certified in all aspects of Domestic & Human Trafficking

Certified by UNICEF & UNODC in all matters of Child Victims & Witnesses of Crime

Member & Certified by the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress 

Member & Certified by the US National Center for Crisis Management

Published Author of My Own Autobiography – Survivors Not Statistics 

Radio Show Host — It’s Controversial

Editor of Free Online Newspaper Nolonger Victims — Issued Twice Daily Online

Advocate for Domestic Violence. Child Abuse, Male Abuse, VET Abuse, Elder Abuse,Gender Abuse, Sexual Abuse & Rape

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  1. Honorable Mary E Bullock permalink

    I, too am very very sorry. MEB

    Sent from my iPhone


    • Thank You, but just another learning curve in life
      and another abuser that must be stopped from abusing
      any other person, and that is what I intend to do
      and will in order to protect other potential victims

      Nolonger Victims

  2. survivorsjustice permalink

    Hello Lurleen, this is Trish, Owner/CEO Butterfly Dreams Abuse Recovery. Mr. Mealer is not lying about the connections with our organization, while our board is still being developed there were three friends from Arizona who were highly interested in helping support us as we were building. When Judge Bullock & another person connected to her volunteered for our Board of Directors, Mr. Mealer and I spoke, did a radio interview, discussed his clean hands campaign and all of his actions to date have been on the up and up. I am not in Arizona, but I know from himself and his personal reputation here had to have to happen, perhaps a misunderstanding between volunteers and himself. Either way it has absolutely NOTHING to do with Butterfly Dreams Abuse Recovery and our talk radio programming. Our Reputation is sound and I have self funding this been something else going on for any of this organization and all that we do locally & around the world. We have an incredible honest group of people and those who are on our board keep a strict watch out for any negative impacts. Our records are all available to the public other than the list of names we help and our assistance information for client, that information is highly protected as I am usually the only one who sees it at all. I work very personally one on one with all of our clients. Please be careful of how you include the Butterfly Dreams Organization and all of the very hard work for these past four years. I’ve supported your work, Bill Murray’s SCAN radio, and have worked very tirelessly in building my own honest & trustworthy reputation. Please direct any issues or comments about the organization itself directly to my attention. thank you and I am so sorry to hear of the difficult time you are having, I know Mr. Mealer and he will make good on all that he is promising. Thank you, take care and please always be well. I’m sure the confusions and misunderstanding will certainly be resolved. My best, Trish :O)

    • Hi Trish

      Thanks for the post and I fully accept and understand
      that the comments Mr Mealer made are his and not anything
      to do with Butterfly Dreams. I support your work and always
      have done. Sadly though there is not any confussion or mix
      up with volunteers as Mr Mealer would like all to think
      he was simply caught out in one scam too many.

      This is a total Scam and his actions are Criminal and are
      now been treated as same. He is the one and I have the
      Message from FB that he wrote and I copied and Pasted on
      to the blog stated that he had nothing to do with Butterfly
      Dreams yet when I looked at his Linkedin page I saw that
      he did. I can not and couldn’t understand as to why he
      would lie about that or even want to. As to be connected
      with a reputable organization is credible as far as I am

      The sole reason that your org was mentioned was to highlight
      the lies that he tells and how he will say and do anything
      in order to cover his ass. He is not a nice person, He is
      a liar and a Scam artist and a lot more. What I have found
      out since going public has not only infuriated me but made
      me sick to the stomach as I don’t now or will I ever support
      any type of Abuser

      No Confussions or Misunderstandings with Mr Mealer as he is
      good at one thing and one thing only. Obtaining money from
      others and not just me, and then using it for his own needs
      and not what it was stated for. I won’t go into any further
      details as this is now going to be handled by our legal team
      but Clean Hands is something that he would not know if it hit
      him in the face. I wish that I could say to you that this was
      a mistake or misunderstanding but the reality is that it is the
      Real JL Mealer and until he is Charged and held fully accountable
      and Kicked out of the Running as Governor for Arizona I won’t
      shut up and I won’t be intimidated by him in any way.

      As I said I admire your work and your ethics and hate to see that
      your name is linked to him, as when this is all revealed I can
      guarantee you that you will want to run a mile and distance yourself
      more than you can imagine. He is a Player and he has played his
      last hand of abusing or scamming others.

      I wish you and Butterfly Dreams all the best, and I would ask
      as to why he stated he has nothing to do with your org when it should
      be something that he is proud of.

      Take care and keep up the great work

      Nolonger Victims

  3. Send this to his opponent. They can nail his b—- to the wall.

    • I intend to make the entire state the media
      and all in the USA know about the real person
      that he is. I have been inundated since sharing
      this on the social sites with messages from other
      victims and some of their stories just make me
      sick to the stomach.

      He is not suitable, credible or eligible to be
      a Governor as I am one of many victims and all
      in general are women. What I have heard this
      evening infuriates me so much and as an Advocate
      for victims of abuse , I can’t sit back and do

      Thank you for your comment and I am sure that he
      is going to come back at me with lots tomorrow, but
      I can prove all that I say with Documents as can
      all others who contacted me tonight

      Take care

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